Susan Mark Now a Publications Specialist at Wyoming State Library

Jun 25, 2015

Susan Mark

Susan Mark

Susan Mark has transferred to a publications specialist position in the Marketing & Publications office at the Wyoming State Library. Most recently, she worked as the statistics librarian in the Library Development Office. She first worked for the State Library from 1998 to 2001, returned in 2004 and earned her master’s degree in library science in 2005.

“Working with the statistics the last few years has been rewarding,” she said. “I’m grateful for all the work Wyoming librarians do on our surveys. The stats program is in great hands with Thomas Ivie now. But at heart, I’m more of a writer. This is a great opportunity for me to put those skills to work on behalf of the Wyoming Library Community.”

Susan has been writing and editing since she got her first reporting job for The Park Record in Park City, Utah in 1993. She also briefly owned a small newspaper in Ranchester, the Tongue River News (circulation 300!) She has been involved in the Wyoming writing community since first moving to the state in 1998. Susan is a past president of Wyoming Writers and currently serves as the WyoPoets webmaster. Her poetry has been published in the High Plains Register, Tulip Tree Review and The MacGuffin. She and a friend co-blog at Writing Wyoming.

Susan’s duties will include the Outrider blog and Wyoming Library Roundup magazine, as well as updating the Wyoming Libraries Directory and Library Roundup mailing list. News and new contact information may be sent to her at, or call her at 307-777-5915.

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