Sweetwater County Library Wins YALSA Award

Apr 16, 2013

Sweetwater ZombiesEllie Davis, Youth Services Manager of the Sweetwater County Library in Green River is the recipient of “YALSA’s Excellence in Library Services to Young Adults” program award. The winning program, Zombie Walk & Zombie Prom 2012, was submitted by librarian Ellie Davis and Public Relations Specialist Brittany Wells.

Their application was chosen as one of the 25 winners. As a winner, they will receive a cash award of $250, have the Zombie Walk & Zombie Prom 2012 program included in the sixth edition of “Excellence in Library Services to Young Adults” (to be published in 2014), and Ellie will speak at and present the winning proposal at the YALSA’s President’s Program during the 2013 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago.

The Sweetwater County Library hosted the fifth annual the Zombie Walk & Zombie Prom in October 2012. This event is an annual food drive and attendees are required to bring one non-perishable item. Everyone was encouraged to show up in their zombie worst or their survivor best. The first part of the event was the Zombie Walk where the zombies hobbled through downtown Green River. The second part of the event was the Zombie Prom where attendees rocked out to metal music from five different bands during the night. The two parts combined resulted in 900 “zombies” of all ages in attendance.

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