Teen Tech Week is coming up March 6-12, 2016, with the theme “Create it at your library.” TTW is an opportunity for libraries make the time to showcase all of the great digital resources and services that are available to help teens succeed in school and prepare for college and 21st century careers.
An initiative of the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), TTW is held annually during the second week of March. The event is aimed at teens, their parents, educators and other concerned adults and is intended to ensure that teens are competent and ethical users of technologies, especially those that are offered through libraries such as DVDs, databases, audiobooks, and videogames. Teen Tech Week encourages teens to use libraries’ nonprint resources for education and recreation, and to recognize that librarians are qualified, trusted professionals in the field of information technology.
Are you celebrating Teen Tech Week? It’s not too late to join in. Learn more and find great activities at teentechweek.ning.com.