Ten Sleep Library to Expand, Thanks to CDBG Grant

Dec 13, 2016

Washakie County has received a $136,117 Community Development Block Grant to expand the Ten Sleep Branch Library by 1,600 feet to accommodate the Ten Sleep Youth Learning Center/After the Bell program. The space will also be available to other community groups and for library events. The library is part of the Washakie County Library system.

“We seem to be bursting at the seams!” said Karen Funk, Washakie County Library Director. “As they say, it takes a village to raise kids, and the library is and always has been a safe place for kids to go. I’m excited to be able to expand the building and welcome a meeting room for activities and programs.”

After the Bell provides educational, recreational, and social programs for all school age groups. It works directly with families that meet federal poverty guidelines. Ten Sleep has a population under 300, and its population is 54% low- to moderate-income. After the Bell is the only educational program for youth outside of school hours.

The Ten Sleep branch is a combined school/public library, and Washakie County School District #2 is among the project partners, donating the land for the expansion. “It’s been wonderful to partner with the Youth Alternatives program grant writer and with the school district. Without the school’s participation we would have no land to expand on.”



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