Teton County Library Launches Pop Up Workspace in Wilson

Jan 12, 2023

Two people outside on snowy street. One holds sign with library logo, and both hold sign that reads LIBRARY TABLE OPEN

Teton County Library’s first satellite workspace, called the Library Table, has popped up at the Calico Restaurant in Wilson. Folks can drop by to use the library’s free Wi-Fi and settle in at a table to do work in a quiet place before restaurant hours.

“We’re excited to reimagine public space and how to give the community access to library resources while saving commute time, gas, and emissions,” said Leah Shlachter, the library’s adult program coordinator. “It’s a creative experiment to expand our library campus while utilizing existing infrastructure. We’re lucky to have found enthusiastic partners at the Calico.”

A library staff member will be on hand to offer information and assistance if needed. Passers by can expect to see a green “Library Table Open” flag waving during operating hours outside the Calico, which is adjacent to START Bus stop serviced by the Teton Village South and Local lines.

Person sitting by windows working on laptop at one of several tables. A table sign reads "Welcome to Library Table!"

During this year’s strategic planning surveys and community retreats, library leadership heard public demand for services to outlying areas, and will be testing the effectiveness of different methods of outreach in the coming months. Library Table at the Calico is being tested through June 2023.


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