The Coronavirus in

Apr 29, 2020

When looking for Coronavirus information, know that there are new resources available in databases are free to every Wyoming resident, accessible with a library card and PIN.

ProQuest has added the Coronavirus Research Database to ProQuest Central. It will automatically be searched, along with all 135 ProQuest databases. You can also select it from the Databases list (link on top navigation bar) for a more specific search.

Gale has added a Coronavirus topic page within Gale Health & Wellness. This topic page includes an overview with the latest statistical data and links to magazines and journals, news items, videos, audio, and reference items.

For more information or assistance, contact Chris Van Burgh, Wyoming State Library Database Instruction Librarian, at or (307) 777-3642.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at

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