The Trustee’s Role in Library Advocacy

Jan 5, 2017

In just two weeks, you can connect with decision-makers at the Wyoming Library Association legislative reception on Thursday, Jan. 19. Come to see your state legislators and top elected officials face to face. Reception starts at 5:30 at the Wyoming State Library, 2800 Central Ave., Cheyenne. It will be preceded by a legislative issues update at 5:00.

From the Wyoming Public Library Board Member’s Handbook

As library champions, library board members must be informed about local, state and national issues and innovations concerning library service. You must speak out, informally and formally, about your services and programs. You must persuade voters and officials to meet your needs.

Speak Out…

  • When our democratic rights and principles are threatened.
  • With letters to newspapers, state and national legislators about the importance of preserving the library as the portal to the world’s cultural and scientific heritage.
  • About library-related legislation; speak to your elected state and national representatives as one public official to another, both responsible for maintaining and sustaining public institutions and the allocation of funds.

Speak For…

  • The library as the community’s most important resource for people of all ages.
  • Funding libraries to provide better service to a fast-growing population.
  • Technology to provide outreach and communication services for the 21st century.
  • Good salaries to recruit and maintain the best-qualified and most knowledgeable staff for collection development, authoritative resource identification and customer service. A library is more than just a book store.

The Wyoming Library Association legislative reception on Jan. 19 at the Wyoming State Library in Cheyenne is the perfect opportunity to make connections with your legislators and elected officials. Make plans to be there to speak for libraries and to thank our representatives for their support. Also – don’t miss the special trustee and director training session that same day at Laramie County Library.


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