Alliance of Therapy Dogs volunteer Charlie Vogel, her dog Annie, and Casper College Library Director Brad Matthies
by Sarah E. North, Assistant Library Director, Casper College
This week Casper College got a bit of puppy love at the Goodstein Foundation Library. For an hour a day, volunteers from the Alliance of Therapy Dogs (ATD) stopped into the Library with their dogs and made the rounds visiting hardworking students as they prepared for their final exams. Therapy dogs are becoming increasingly popular on college campuses and in libraries due to recent research that indicates the powerful relaxing effect petting a dog can have on an individual’s stress-levels and blood pressure. Casper College Library staff began collaborating with ATD last spring and are excited to once again share this stress-relieving experience with students, staff, and faculty.
ATD teams are tested and certified as therapy dogs through their organization based in Cheyenne. According to their mission statement, their objective “is to form a network of caring individuals who are willing to share their special dogs in order to bring happiness and cheer to people, young and old alike.” Based on overwhelmingly positive feedback from students and employees, the library will continue the relationship with ATD’s local volunteers in conjunction with its end-of-semester events to help students get through the stressful finals seasons towards successful completion of the semester.
Interested in ATD’s services? You can find more information on their website, www.therapydogs.com