Today is National Library Workers Day

Apr 21, 2020

Today, April 21, is National Library Workers Day (NLWD), a time to recognize library professionals for their expertise and leadership skills in transforming lives and communities through education and lifelong learning. Library workers staff all types of libraries, including academic, public, school, government, and special libraries such as military and prison libraries.

To show appreciation for library workers and the work they do throughout the year, library users are invited to “Submit a Star” by providing a testimonial about a favorite library employee. Each testimonial will be posted in the “Galaxy of Stars” on the NLWD website to honor deserving library workers. You can see Wyoming’s stars here.

On Wyoming Snapshot Day, we caught photos of a lot of patrons — and a lot of library workers, too! Check out the photos on Flickr, find your favorite library worker, and share the picture!

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