Trek the Trails with National Geographic Virtual Library

Jun 3, 2022

Two teen boys hiking together with backpacks up a rugged mountain trailNational Trails Day on June 4 kicks off Great Outdoors Month. To help get you in the mood to get outside, check out National Geographic Virtual Library (NGVL), a resource in

This resource includes the complete archive of National Geographic magazine — every page of every issue from 1888 to the present. It also includes National Geographic Traveler.

A search for national parks will bring up a variety of topics from articles and e-books, and beautiful images.

There are 100 books in NGVL on national parks, including Drives of a Lifetime: 500 of the World’s Greatest Roadtrips and Secrets of the National Parks.

Other titles include Pocket Guide to Trees and Shrubs of North America, Birding Essentials: All the Tools, Techniques, and Tips you Need to be a Better Birder and Novel Destinations: A Travel Guide to Literary Landmarks from Jane Austen’s Bath to Ernest Hemingway’s Key West.

For more information, about the databases, training, or marketing materials, contact Chris Van Burgh, Wyoming State Library Database Instruction Librarian,

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