Turning the Page 2.0

Feb 3, 2012

Turning the Page 2.0 is a FREE library advocacy training course developed and presented by the Public Library Association (PLA) with generous support from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
In this six-week, facilitated online course, library staff and supporters will learn how to create and tell their library’s story, deliver effective presentations, develop a compelling case for support, and build and sustain partnerships along the way.
Participants are encouraged to come with a specific, self-determined advocacy goal for their library. At the end of six weeks, you’ll have a complete Advocacy Work Plan to guide your efforts.
Turning the Page 2.0 consists of the following components:
  • In-person kick-off (optional)
  • Facilitator-led virtual classroom sessions (1 hour each week for 6 weeks)
  • Independent work on Turning the Page online modules (about 1 hour each week)
  • Online community for discussion (optional)
  • Completion of an Advocacy Work Plan (about 1 hour each week)
  • One-on-one feedback from professional facilitators (free consultancy)
Previous participants have told PLA that they spend on average three hours per week (18 hours total) on this course. ALA membership is not required to participate.


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