Uinta County Library Reaches Endowment Challenge Goal

Mar 16, 2016

Uinta County Library is the latest library to reach 100% of its fundraising goal for the Wyoming Libraries Endowment Challenge. The challenge matches locally raised public library endowment funds with state dollars at a 3:1, 2:1, or 1:1 ratio, depending on the county.

Uinta County Library raised $348,913 locally and received the maximum payout of $697,826 in state match. An additional $100,000 in state incentive funds were received when the 23 county libraries collectively raised $2.3 million. So far, Wyoming’s public libraries have raised $7.7 million and received $16.1 million in state matching and incentive funds out of $18.35 million available.

Learn more about the Endowment Challenge at www.wyla.org/endowment-challenge. Check on your library’s current fundraising status at will.state.wy.us/statistics/Public/WYlib_endowment_status.pdf.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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