UW Libraries 2018 Author Talk to Feature Kathy Reichs

Jan 17, 2018

Kathy Reichs

The University of Wyoming Libraries will bring author and forensic anthropologist Kathy Reichs to campus on April 10, 2018. Reichs will deliver a free public talk at 1:30 p.m. in the College of Education Auditorium and will also speak at a fundraising dinner that evening for UW Libraries Development Board.

Reichs’s first novel, Deja Dead, became a New York Times bestseller and won the 1997 Ellis Award for Best First Novel. Just a few other titles in her prolific Temperance Brennan series include Death du JourGrave SecretsBare Bones, and Cross Bones. Reichs was a producer for the television series Bones, based on her novels and real-life work experience. Two Nights is Reichs’s latest book and introduces her readers to a new heroine: Sunday Night.

Reichs is one of only 100 forensic anthropologists ever certified by the American Board of Forensic Anthropology. She is currently a member of the National Police Services Advisory Council in Canada and a professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Watch for more details on the UW Libraries blogFacebook, and Twitter. Or contact rlatimer@uwyo.edu for more information regarding this event.

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