University of Wyoming Libraries Upgrades Digital Collections Platform

May 9, 2023

WyoDigital logoFrom UW News

To improve user experience, University of Wyoming Libraries is migrating its digital collections to a new platform.

WyoDigital is accessible at It is an open access repository and home to digitized materials from Emmett D. Chisum Special Collections, UW Libraries’ general collections and collections from other partners.

Content hosted on WyoDigital includes historical maps, books, photographs, audio-visual materials, UW yearbooks and manuscripts.

“The decision to move the content was driven by the need to improve user experience,” says Bryan Ricupero, digital collections and metadata librarian. “This was an opportunity to better support projects for campus and our community partners.”

The project is ongoing, and UW Libraries will continue to migrate content from the old system.

Researchers and others with questions or comments regarding the project or content should call Ricupero at 766-5615 or email

For more information about digital collections or other digital initiatives of UW Libraries, visit

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