UW Natural Science Partnership Seeks Public Library Support

Jul 10, 2023

University of Wyoming logoThe University of Wyoming Natural Science Collections Partnership is asking Wyoming county libraries for their support for an Institute of Museum and Library Services grant proposal: “Opening Virtual Museum Portals through Libraries: Increasing Access and Awareness of University of Wyoming Natural Science Collections in Wyoming Communities.”

The grant submission deadline is in mid-November 2023, so responses and letters of support from libraries are requested by early September. Information on benefits and proposed products of the grant for Wyoming county libraries can be found in the UW Natural Science Collections Partnership 2023 IMLS Project Description.

Residents in Wyoming are surrounded by nature and the majority consider access to the natural world an important aspect of life quality, whether for recreation, inspiration, or work. Some of the most robust sources of knowledge and inspiration from the University of Wyoming (UW) are the university’s natural science museums and collections. The UW Natural Science Collections Partnership was created to promote and help make the objects and knowledge in the member collections accessible to all citizens of Wyoming, regardless of location.

To meet the challenges of connecting these resources with the people of our large, rural state, the UW Natural Science Collections Partnership would like to join forces with the Wyoming public county libraries to open UW’s natural science resources to each county in Wyoming by seeking a grant from the IMLS through the Museums for America program.

“We believe the best partners to help us with our project are the Wyoming public libraries,” said Dr. Elizabeth Wommack, staff curator of the UW Museum of Vertebrates. “We’re seeking libraries who would be interested providing letters of support and conversations as we re-apply for funding. Collaborating with libraries in all 23 counties of Wyoming is the goal of the Partnership, and we wish to hear from you!”

If you are interested or have questions, contact Elizabeth at ewommack@uwyo.edu or Larry Schmidt, Chair of Collections and Research Support Librarian at UW Libraries, at lschmidt@uwyo.edu. Also keep an eye on your inbox for emails from the Partnership with additional information on the project.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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