Voting is Now Open for 2023-2024 Wyoming State Book Awards

Jan 17, 2024

Wyoming Book Awards logoVotes for the 2023-2024 Wyoming Book Awards are now being accepted.

The Wyoming State Book Awards, sponsored by The Wyoming Library Association and the Wyoming State Literacy Association, gives Wyoming student in grades K-12 the opportunity to select a favorite book and honor its author.

Three award categories ensure an opportunity for each age group.  The Buckaroo Book Award features selections for grades K-3, the Indian Paintbrush Book Award list has books for students in grades 4-6, and the Soaring Eagle Book Award provides book choices for grades 7-12.

Adult sponsors can obtain votes from students who have read 3 or more titles from this year’s list.  All votes can be tallied at once and submitted using the following forms:

2023-2024 Buckaroo Book Award Voting Form:

2023-2024 Indian Paintbrush Book Award Voting Form:

2023-2024 Soaring Eagle Book Award Voting Form:

Votes must be submitted by due by March 15, 2024.

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