Washakie County Library Reaches Endowment Goal

Mar 2, 2018

The Washakie County Library Foundation is pleased to announce the completion of the Wyoming Libraries Endowment Challenge for Washakie County. This Endowment Challenge was created by the Wyoming State Legislature in 2008 to ensure future support for Wyoming public libraries. A celebration of this achievement will be held for the community sometime during National Library Week, April 8-14.

[su_quote]We appreciate the support of the people in Washakie County and those who care and have ties to our county that helped meet the Challenge. Fundraisers were held, memorials were given, dedicated yearly donations were included, pocket change was dropped in collection boxes, and kids donated money from their piggy banks. Every donation was given from the heart. This money was invested to insure that our libraries continue.[/su_quote]

Local funds raised by public libraries in Wyoming were matched with State fund on a 1:1, 2;1, or 3:1 depending on the county’s assessed valuation at the time the Challenge was established in 2008. Washakie County received the 3:1 match.

The Wyoming State Library keeps a running tally of the Endowment Challenge status for every library. The state’s 23 public libraries are at 95% of their fundraising goal collectively raised $8.6 million and received $17.9 million in state match and incentive funds. Proceeds from the investments of these funds may be used by each county’s Foundation to help their libraries in whatever capacity is needed.

Although the bulk of the funds were raised in Washakie County, the challenge was finished thanks to a creative, generous agreement with the Teton County Library Foundation.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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