Webinar on Organizational Storytelling for Librarians

Dec 22, 2011

Webinar of interest coming up — how to use storytelling in your library, including for advocacy. Free from WebJunction.

Organizational Storytelling for Librarians: Using Stories for Leadership, Community, and Advocacy

Join us for this webinar to learn about the process of leading and managing through organizational storytelling. Librarians can use personal stories within the organization for leadership (tell them who you are and why you are here), team building (sharing your vision effectively, rediscovering and honoring the mission of the organization), and moving through change (honoring the past as you move toward the future; listening to others, communicating your goals through story). Learn how to “retool” storytelling with new concepts of organizational storytelling gleaned from business and other sectors, with specific examples and powerful tools to improve library communication and advocacy.

Also hear effective library stories and learn tactics shared by “story” expert Robert McKee who uses screenwriting methods to bring truth and tension to storytelling. In this webinar, co-sponsored by ALA TechSource and WebJunction, hear how libraries tell their story to strengthen organizations, build community and to amplify the value they bring to their communities.

Presenters: Kate Marek, professor at Dominican University’s Graduate School of Library and Information Science, and author of Organizational Storytelling for Librarians (ALA, 2011); and Chris Rippel, head of continuing education, Central Kansas Library System.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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