Weston County Library Reaches Endowment Goal

Dec 22, 2015

464915_224626020979652_891439144_oWeston County Library has met its goal for the Wyoming Library Endowment Challenge! The library raised $144,498 locally and received $665,660 in state matching and incentive funds toward their endowment. Weston County reached its goal in part through a partnership with Laramie County Library System, made possible through a 2015 amendment to the Endowment Challenge.

In 2008, the Wyoming State Legislature established the Challenge to match locally raised public library endowment funds 1:1, 2:1 or 3:1, depending on the county, to support strong local libraries into the future. As of 2015, $18.35 million in incentive and match funds has been appropriated by the State of Wyoming for the Endowment Challenge. So far, the 23 county libraries have raised $7.4 million in local funds and earned $15.8 million in state funding.

The story was reported in the Newcastle News Letter Journal. Endowment status for all 23 libraries may be found on the Wyoming State Library’s website. You may also learn more about the Wyoming Library Endowment Challenge on the Wyoming Library Association website at www.wyla.org/endowment-challenge.

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