Weston County Welcomes New Director

May 17, 2024

The Weston County Library System has welcomed Kathleen Kirk as its new director. Born and raised on a ranch in Nebraska, she later moved to Montana where she met her husband. They have one son at Fort Gordon, Georgia, where he has about a year and a half left in the Army. They also have a daughter who is a junior in high school. Kathleen and her family most recently moved to Newcastle, Wyoming, from Ogden, Utah. They are enjoying the small-town atmosphere and appreciate the friendliness and helpfulness of the people in their new community.

Kathleen has spent most of her professional life in the medical field—43 years, as a matter of fact!  She has worked and managed business offices for hospitals, doctor’s offices, ambulance services, dental offices, and nursing homes, just to name a few.

Years ago, when Kathleen’s son was seventeen, he enlisted in the Army. Shortly after graduating from high school, he was sent to Bagdad. This difficult situation served as an impetus.

“We watched the news all the time and I’d decided that I couldn’t do that anymore, so I went back to school.” Kathleen received her Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix. This education has prepared her well for her new position as a library director.

Kathleen recognizes how important the library is to so many of the citizens of Weston County. Patrons of all ages depend on the library for resources, as well as fun.

“There are a lot of people in the community that rely on the library for research, entertainment, and meeting with friends to get together. It is so rewarding to see the little kids get excited about coming to the library.” Kathleen says many older kids in the community have checking out how to do books like repurposing furniture, where to go hiking, and what to look for on the trails.

“This is why I applied for this job,” said Kathleen.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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