What the Heck? ‘What the Tech’ is Back!

Aug 14, 2023

What the Tech is BACK! This ever popular crowd-participation event is scheduled for the first time since 2019. Volunteer to share your knowledge in the “What the Tech?” session at the Wyoming Library Association Conference in Casper, Wyoming this fall. This session is a lightning round tour of technologies that you can put to use in your library and maybe even your everyday life. What the Tech has something for everyone in a rapid-fire, whirlwind trip of websites, apps, tools, and tech developments. Participating is quick and easy — prior to the conference, put together a few PowerPoint slides that show everyone where they can find each of your chosen resources along with a screen shot or two; at the conference, show up to the session and tell everyone in 90 seconds or less what the resource is and how you use it or plan to use it. It’s that easy! And when you volunteer to present, you can have fun exploring new gadgets and gizmos, choosing and preparing your topics, and feel the thrill of trying to share each one in the minute and a half before the bell dings. What the Tech is fun for everyone, but it can’t happen without YOU!

Contact Jessica Otto (jessica.otto@wyo.gov) or Paige Bredenkamp (paige.bredenkamp@wyo.gov) for more information and to save your spot on the roster.

Need more convincing? Check out these blog posts from our previously successful What the Tech programs:

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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