2011 Letters about Literature Winners

May 1, 2012

Top honors have gone to three Wyoming students in the 2011 Letters About Literature Contest. Letters About Literature encourages students to read, be inspired and write back to their favorite authors.

The Wyoming Center for the Book awarded Heritage Christian Academy (Big Piney) student Sarah Shafer first place in Level III (grades 9-12). Bailey Guernsey from Sage Valley Jr. High School in Gillette placed first in Level II (grades 7-8). Grace Nightingale from the Sixth Grade Academy at the Laramie Jr. High School placed first in Level I (grades 4-6).

Approximately 70,000 young readers across the country participated in this year’s Letters About Literature competition, a reading promotion program of the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress, presented in partnership with Target Stores.

All three first place winners advanced to national competition and will receive a $100 Amazon gift card from the Wyoming Center for the Book and a $50 Target gift card. Second place winners received a $50 Amazon gift card and third place winners received $25. (List of winners below.)

Letters About Literature is a national reading and writing promotion program of the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress, sponsored in partnership with Target Stores. For more information about Letters About Literature or other Wyoming Center for the Book activities, contact Tina Lyles, Coordinator, at 307-777-6338, tina.lyles@wyo.gov, or visit http://www.lettersaboutliterature.org/.

 Letters About Literature 2011 Wyoming winners

LEVEL I (grades 4-6)

First Place:  Grace Nightingale, 6th grade Laramie Jr. High School, Laramie.

Second Place: Amy Lou Gabriel, 6th grade, Laramie Jr. High School, Laramie.

Third Place: Lexi Pulley, 6th grade, Laramie Jr. High School, Laramie.

LEVEL II (grades 7-8)

First Place: Bailey Guernsey, 8th grade, Sage Valley Jr. High School, Gillette.

Second Place: Elisha M. Smith, 7th grade, Cody Middle School, Cody.

Third Place: Jane Thurow, 8th grade, Laramie Jr. High School, Laramie.

LEVEL III (grades 9-12)

First Place: Sarah Shafer, 10th grade, Heritage Christian Academy, Big Piney.

Second Place: Brookley Norris, 12th grade, Worland High School, Worland.

Third Place: Brittany Andreasen, 12th grade, Pinedale High School, Pidedale.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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