Wyoming Afterschool Alliance Summer Learning Toolkit

Jun 7, 2023

Graphic reads "Cultivate Summer Learning: Inspiring young people to explore and learn." with WYAA logoInspire young people to explore and learn: cultivate summer learning with the Summer Learning Toolkit from the Wyoming Afterschool Alliance (WYAA).

“All children and youth need robust opportunities to try new things, practice skills and have fun,” said WYAA Director Michelle Sullivan. “We hope this resource will help our communities to connect to high quality resources and practices.”

The toolkit is available online to educators, organizations, and families looking to enrich the lives of youth this summer. The webpage is organized into easy-to-reference sections for professional development, activities, and programming resources.

According to the National Summer Learning Association, “The ‘summer slide’ is what often happens to disadvantaged children during the summer months. They tread water at best or even fall behind, while higher-income children build their skills steadily over the summer months. Research shows that high-quality summer programs can make a difference in stemming learning loss and closing educational and opportunity gaps.”

Open the Summer Learning Toolkit and learn more about the importance of summer learning at wyafterschoolalliance.org/summer-learning.

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