Wyoming ARMA Chapter Spring Seminar on Social Media and Security

Feb 19, 2016

Registration is underway for the Wyoming Chapter of ARMA (Association of Records Managers and Administrators) Annual Spring Seminar, “Social Media-You Can Tell Me, I Won’t Tell Anyone-Just Everyone! and What’s The Issue With All This Security Anyway?”

The seminar is scheduled March 17, 2016 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Laramie County Community College – Health Sciences Building Rooms 111/113. Seminar brochure and registration information

Registration for the event is $40 for ARMA members, $25 for full-time students with valid identification and $60 for non-ARMA members. Registration fee includes all presentations, lunch, and breaks – including an afternoon ice cream social and Silent Auction with all proceeds going to the Wyoming Chapter of ARMA Scholarship Fund.

Seminar keynote speaker is Jesse Wilkins, C.I.P., C.R.M., and Director for Research and Development for AIIM International. Jesse is an internationally respected leader who has worked in the information management industry as an end user, vendor, consultant and trainer for over 20 years. His presentations will address the growing importance of social media in today’s business and communications, respective security threats, and assist with information and check lists to help keep your business social media secure.

Also scheduled to present is Rick Imbrogno, State of Wyoming ETS Information Security Officer and Cyber Response and Infrastructure Support Program.  Rick will present on “Cyber Awareness-Operating Securely in the Digital World,” bringing together information on today’s varied business processes and electronic records. He will identify the challenges as technology transforms how to conduct business and interact with others while maintaining the integrity of electronic information. Rick will detail security challenges records managers face with the rise of social media platforms, the proliferation of mobile computing technology, cyber-attacks, and migration to the Cloud.

The day’s seminar schedule will include round table discussions bringing together speakers and seminar attendees to dig deeper to address social media, business formats, and how they can be used positively and securely.

For more information, contact Donna Crock at (307) 777-5751, donna.crock@wyo.gov, or Barbara Thomasee at (307) 777-4494, barbara.thomasee@wyo.gov.  The seminar brochure with registration information is available on the Wyoming Chapter of ARMA website: www.armawyoming.org/2015-2016/2016_SpringSem.pdf.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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