Registration is underway for the Wyoming Chapter of ARMA Annual Spring Seminar, “Are You Cyber Aware?: Who And What Can You Trust?” The event will be held Tuesday, March 13, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Rooms 111/113 Health Science Building, Laramie County Community College, 1400 College Drive, Cheyenne.
Everyday many new threats are discovered. This seminar will give you additional information on cyber threats and ideas to help protect you and your organization. The day’s seminar schedule will include an outline for developing a business aligned cyber security strategy, ten things an employer can do right to understand vulnerabilities, and a workshop style presentation with an overview and toolkit for Threat Modeling. Also included will be a presentation on the Wyoming Highway Patrol Digital Driver’s License Pilot, WYDOT’s Connected Vehicle Pilot Project, as well as a panel discussion bringing together speakers and seminar attendees.
Registration for the event is $50 for ARMA members, $25 for full-time students with valid identification and $75 for non-ARMA members. The registration fee includes beverages, morning break, lunch, and an afternoon ice cream social. In addition, a Silent Auction will raise funds for Wyoming ARMA’s Scholarship Fund.
For more information contact Donna Crock at (307) 777-5751, email:; or Carolynn Coy at (307) 755-4910, email: