Wyoming Humanities Council announces reading series for fall

Jul 26, 2013

The Wyoming Humanities Council will sponsor “Reading Wyoming,” its
community-based book discussion series, in Guernsey, Lusk, Pine Bluffs,
Ranchester, Riverton, Sheridan, Story and Upton, starting in August and
September.  The council provides books and a discussion leader for each
site, and participation is free and open to the public.  Each discussion
series is organized around a theme.

Guernsey Outreach Center-EWC will host “Making Sense of the American
Civil War.”  This reading series includes works of historical fiction and
interpretation, speeches, diaries, memoirs, biographies, and short stories,
developed by the American Library Association and the National Endowment
for the Humanities for the 150th anniversary of the Civil War.

Here is a complete list of host organizations and reading series:
Guernsey, EWC Guernsey Outreach, Making Sense of the American Civil War
Lusk, Niobrara County Library, Icons
Pine Bluffs, Pine Bluffs Branch Library, Living Between Fences
Ranchester, Tongue River Branch Library, Contemporary International
Riverton, Friends of the Riverton Library, Read Ingredients
Sheridan, Sheridan County Fulmer Public Library, Read Ingredients
Story, Story Branch Library, Americans on the Outside
Upton, Upton Branch Library, Family Photographs

Contact the host sites directly for information about how to participate in
“Reading Wyoming.”  For more information about the Wyoming Humanities
Council and its programs, visit www.uwyo.edu/humanities.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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