Wyoming Humanities Launches New Statewide Program, Pronghorn Reads

Jan 10, 2024

Wyoming Humanities has launched a new, free, year-long reading program for Wyoming readers. The goal of the Pronghorn Reads program is to encourage participants to read at least one book each month during 2024. A theme has been chosen for each month and the book read relating to the theme can be a print book, a digital e-book, or audiobook.  Monthly themes range from reading a book borrowed from your local library to reading a collection of short stories.

In addition to experiencing the intrinsic rewards of reading, Wyoming students and adults will have a chance to win prizes each month. Participants finishing all twelve months of reading during the program will receive a small gift from Wyoming Humanities. “Reading is one of those activities we can do almost any time and having a challenge every month takes us on a reading journey,” said Lucas Fralick, program coordinator for Wyoming Humanities. “The prizes along the way add something extra to the joy of finding a new book to savor.”

Pronghorn Reads is presented as part of the Wyoming Center for the Book, a part of Wyoming Humanities.

For more information on Pronghorn Reads, view the program’s monthly themes, or to register for this year’s program, go to https://www.thinkwy.org/initiatives/pronghorn-reads.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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