Wyoming Launches COVID-19 Webpage

Mar 19, 2020

Governor Mark Gordon announced the launch of a state government webpage that will provide resources and information on the COVID-19 outbreak.

The webpage may be viewed at covid19.wyo.gov.

“We want to offer a single location to share information and resources from multiple state agencies as we respond to this pandemic,” Governor Gordon said.

The page includes links to resources and information from the Wyoming Department of Health, the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security, the Wyoming Department of Education, the University of Wyoming and the state’s community colleges. It also offers information to assist impacted businesses and workers, as well as a link to updates from the CDC

The page will be updated regularly with further resources and new information as it becomes available.

Information specific to libraries may be found on the Wyoming State Library’s Guide to COVID-19 for Libraries.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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