Wyoming Leads the U.S. in Library Visits Per Person

Aug 28, 2024

A map showing different shades of purple that depict the number of library visits per person for each state and D.C. in the U.S.

Map sourced from USA Facts with data sourced from the Institute of Museum and Library Services

Wyomingites love to visit the library! At least, that’s what the data from 2022 shows.

According to data collected from all fifty states and the District of Columbia (D.C.) by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, in 2022, Wyoming had the highest number of library visits per capita with 3.82 visits per person. D.C. came in second with 3.78 visits, followed by Ohio with 3.41 visits, Kansas with 3.32 visits, and Wisconsin with 3.24 visits.

As the state with the lowest population in the U.S. at just under 585,000 people, this bragging right is welcome and well-deserved. Our state has over 100 public, school, institutional, academic, and special libraries for Wyoming residents to find the resources they are looking for to provide information, entertainment, and a window to other world, both real and imaginary.

Great job, Wyoming, being a state where people love to read and love to learn!

To find the Wyoming library nearest to you, check out the Wyoming State Library’s Wyoming Library Directory.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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