Wyoming Library Association Calls for Award and Grant Nominations

May 2, 2023

Wyoming Library Association logoThe Wyoming Library Association Awards Committee has announced that they are seeking nominations for the following awards and grant to be presented at the 2023 WLA Conference. The conference will be held October 4-6 in Casper, Wyoming.

Nominations will be accepted for all awards and the grant until July 31.

Last year, there was a diverse body of nominees that represented all sorts of librarians from across the state. Brief descriptions of each award are below. More information, including nomination questions, criteria, and the nomination forms, are on Wyoming Library Association’s website at wyla.org/Awards/Grants-Committee.

Lifetime Achievement Award

The Lifetime Achievement award recognizes the achievements and accomplishments of a library employee throughout their library career, including service to the public and/or library community. It is also meant to reflect the goals of the Wyoming Library Association and the library profession as a whole.

Outstanding Hero/Heroine Award

The Outstanding Hero/Heroine award provides an opportunity for WLA to recognize an outstanding person or group whose hard work has made a difference to a Wyoming library within the last two years.

Outstanding Librarian Award

The Outstanding Librarian award recognizes the significant and outstanding accomplishments of a library employee in the past year, including service to the public and/or library community. It is also meant to reflect the goals of WLA and the library profession as a whole.

Outstanding Library Award

The Outstanding Library award recognizes a significant special project completed within the last two years. The staff, library board, community, or people served must all have been involved in the work for which recognition is sought.

Nora Van Burgh Development Grant

In honor and memory of Nora Van Burgh, the WLA Executive Board has established a program to provide funding assistance to those who wish to enhance their effectiveness as library employees through additional educational experience. Non-degreed library employees, a majority of the WLA membership, are particularly encouraged to apply, though any current member is eligible.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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