Wyoming Public Library FY15 Statistics Released

Jun 3, 2016

The Wyoming Public Library FY15 annual report statistics have been released and are now available on the State Library statistics page.

There were 3.56 million visits to Wyoming’s libraries in FY15, 6.1 visits for every Wyoming resident. While print materials decreased by 4.5% from FY14, Wyoming libraries increased their physical audio and video materials by 7% and 10%, respectively. Library visits have declined by 3% since FY14, but circulation has increased slightly by just over 16,000 items. There was a significant increase in WiFi sessions of almost 36% over last year (with 11 libraries reporting in FY14 and 13 libraries in FY15). Of particular note, Wyoming libraries held 6.7% more children’s programs with an increased attendance of 5.6% over FY14. Overall, program attendance saw an increase of 8% over FY14.

Questions about library or community statistics? Contact Thomas Ivie, WSL research and statistics librarian, at thomas.ivie@wyo.gov or (307) 777-6330.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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