Wyoming Snapshot Day Has a New Website!

Oct 2, 2024

In just a few weeks, it will be October 22 and Wyoming Snapshot Day 2024. This year, we have a brand new website for this annual event at wyomingsnapshotday.com. Vertical and horizontal versions of a revamped logo are available for everyone to download and use. These and other important event materials can be found on our Instructions and Materials webpage. Thank you so much for your flexibility, patience, and cooperation as we continue to review and adjust our processes as needed. We are hoping to streamline everything to make it as smooth and easy for everyone as possible.

Thank you to those of you who have participated in the past and also to those who have already committed to helping make this year’s Snapshot Day a success. (Please contact Christi Weinzierl at christi.weinzierl1@wyo.gov for more information or to let her know you plan on participating.) You will receive detailed instructions prior to October 22.

For those who have never participated, Wyoming Snapshot Day is a great opportunity to showcase your library’s impact on your community in a fun way. Participating libraries send the Wyoming State Library photos, patron comments and testimonials, and library usage data which is then shared with the greater Wyoming library community as well as other stakeholders. Photos can be of patrons using your library’s facilities or of a special event taking place at your library the week of Snapshot Day. Show us all that happens at your library on a typical day and give your staff and patrons a chance to smile for the camera!

As we count down the weeks, days, and hours until Wyoming Snapshot Day, we look forward to seeing all of your amazing content and helping you spread the word about the impact of Wyoming libraries!

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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