Each year, Wyoming Snapshot Day offers an opportunity for libraries to collect the photos, videos, and comments that tell the story of their impact on the community every single day.
The Wyoming State Library takes Snapshot Day contributions and turns them into a presentation that plays during the Wyoming Library Association’s Legislative Reception. Here is a shortened version (faster slides, not fewer photos!) of what our legislators saw. Feel free to share! Also — if you want to turn some of your own photos and comments into a video and would like some assistance, contact Susan Mark, WSL Outreach Librarian at susan.mark@wyo.gov or (307) 777-5915. She’ll be happy to help you with this or other promotional efforts for your library. She also welcomes contributions for this blog and for the Outrider newsletter.
Mark your calendars for 2020: this year’s Wyoming Snapshot Day will take place on Wednesday, October 21. Hope your library will take part!