Wyoming State Library Closed Monday, February 20

Feb 17, 2017

The Wyoming State Library will be closed on Monday. Feb. 20 in honor of Presidents Day. We will re-open for our normal hours on Tuesday, Feb. 21.

President George Washington’s February 22 birthday was declared a federal holiday in 1879. The Uniform Monday Holiday Act in 1968 both set the holiday for the third Monday in February and designated it as a day to honor all American presidents, especially Washington and Abraham Lincoln (born February 12). The Gale Student Resources in Context database has a great article on the history of Presidents Day. (Login with library card number and PIN may be required.)

Image from the February 22, 1909, Laramie Republican in Wyoming Newspapers.


If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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