Wyoming State Library Gets Outside the Lines

Sep 19, 2016

Dale Spiess

State of Wyoming Motor Pool Fleet Manager Dale Spiess didn’t need to sign up. He already had his WSL card, which he was glad to show off.

The Wyoming State Library got Outside the Lines last week, making personal visits to the other divisions in the Department of Administration & Information. WSL employees Abby Beaver and Susan Mark went office to office to encourage state employees to sign up for a library card and to promote use of statewide electronic resources such as ebooks, downloadable audio and magazines, language learning, auto repair, and tests and tutorials. Sixty state library employees signed up, and many expressed interest in the GoWYLD.net resources.

Did your library celebrate Outside the Lines? Be sure to tell us about it!

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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