On August 1st 2023 the Wyoming State Library welcomed Becky Voss and Jennifer Anderson for their library directors’ orientation — providing them information on all of the resources and services we offer. L to R: Wyoming State Librarian Jamie Markus, Northwest College Library Director Becky Voss, Sheridan College Library Director Jennifer Anderson, and LCCC Associate Dean, Library & Learning Commons Meghan Kelly.
The WSL supports travel for new directors to attend orientations through federal Library Services and Technology Act funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Learn more about how federal funds work for all residents of Wyoming.
By statute, the State Library supports library development throughout Wyoming. WSL staff are always happy to assist our colleagues in the Wyoming library community. Visit our staff page for contact information or reach out to our main service desk at (307) 777-6333 or statelibrary@wyo.gov.