Wyoming State Library to be Closed for Memorial Day

May 27, 2016

Memorial day

Image from the May 24, 1923, Buffalo Bulletin.

The Wyoming State Library will be closed Monday, May 30,27 for the Memorial Day holiday. We will reopen for normal business hours on Tuesday, May 31.

Memorial Day was first established as Decoration Day in 1868 (read its history). In 1879, Wyoming Territorial Governor John W. Hoyt issued a proclamation declaring:

I do hereby designate Friday the 30th instant as “Decoration Day” for the Territory of Wyoming, and recommend such observance thereof as shall fitly honor the beloved dead, while strengthening a love of country in the hearts of the people.

Read the entire proclamation on the front page of the May 22, 1879 Cheyenne Daily Sun, one of the many titles found in Wyoming Newspapers.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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