Wyoming’s Libraries to be Highlighted on Snapshot Day

Oct 17, 2022

Four boys holding tablets and lying on their stomachs on colorful rug. Bookshelves in background.

The after school iPad Gang at Cokeville Branch Library on Snapshot Day 2021.

Just a little more than a week away! On Tuesday, October 25, the state’s libraries will host Wyoming Snapshot Day 2022, an event highlighting the importance of libraries to the state. Libraries will collect photos, videos, and comments that show their importance to their communities every day of the year.

“Wyoming residents love their libraries,” said Susan Mark, Wyoming State Library Outreach Librarian. “Our public libraries alone get more than three million visits a year. Snapshot Day celebrates what happens out there every single day when people walk through the doors or make a virtual visit. Libraries really do transform lives.”

Wyoming residents should contact their local library for details on how to join in. A list of participating libraries may be found at wyomingsnapshot.weebly.com.

If your library hasn’t signed up, it’s not too late! For more information, contact Susan Mark, WSL outreach librarian at 307-777-5915 or susan.mark@wyo.gov.

Wyoming Snapshot Day is a project of the Wyoming State Library and the Wyoming Library Association.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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