You Saw it on TV? Find it in NoveList Plus!

Mar 2, 2022

Cartoon drawing of man in suit giving interview, with four hands holding microphones toward him.Did you hear about a book on your favorite TV or radio show? Check out NoveList Plus’s Media Mentions to find out more about the book and to see if it is in a library near you.

NoveList Plus is one of the Recommended Reading resources in Wyoming residents can access it at their local libraries or from home with a library card and PIN.

Included are books that have been featured recently in the media – outlets like Fresh Air, Good Morning America, CBS Sunday Morning, Meet the Press, HBO Real Time with Bill Maher, and The Daily Show. Also included are Apple TV+ Oprah Conversation, 11 different book clubs, and CBC Radio Canada, as well as ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX News, NPR, PBS, CNBC, Comedy Central, HBO, ESPN, and MSNBC.

NoveList Plus offers this helpful handout on searching for Media Mentions.

One morning I heard about a book by the wife of the president of Iceland. I did not catch the title (well, it was an Icelandic word!). I tried out Media Mentions. Use advanced search, scroll to Media Mentions (on the left) and select your show. In this case, I searched NPR Morning Edition. My search was Iceland and women. Success!

You can also search all the books from a particular program. On the advanced search page, scroll the Media Mentions list of programs, Select it and then scroll to the top and click on Search. For example, select NPR Science Friday to see mentions from that show. You can then use the limiters on the left to narrow by genre, subject, or location. Each book detail page includes a link to WYLDCat.

If a book title has media mentions, you will see them on the book details page. For example, search the book “Every Day is a Gift” by Tammy Duckworth, and you will see the most recent mentions to the right of the book jacket. In this case, CBS: The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (April 2021); ABC: The View (April 2021); CBS: Mornings (March 2021); CBS: Sunday Morning (March 2021); NPR: All Things Considered (March 2021). They are also listed under the More About this Book tab.

Media Mentions information dates back to January 2019. NoveList Plus adds new media mentions weekly, so you may not find it the day you hear it. They do include both current and forthcoming mentions.

For more information about NoveList Plus and other resources, contact Chris Van Burgh, Wyoming State Library Database Instruction Librarian,

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