Registration Open for Outside the Lines

Jun 2, 2017

Outside the Lines returns September 10-16, 2017. It’s a week-long celebration demonstrating the creativity and innovation happening in libraries. Whether your organization is large or small, a school library or a public library, you can participate by hosting at least one event or campaign that:

  1. Gets people thinking – and talking – about libraries in a different way.
  2. Showcases the library out in the community as well as in the library.
  3. Highlights how your library is relevant to people’s lives.
  4. Represents your local community.
  5. Is active versus passive – gets people engaged.
  6. Is extraordinary and unexpected.
  7. Most importantly, is fun!

Registration is officially open. If your organization participated in 2016, you can simply log in, update your existing profile and check the 2017 box to be included in this year’s festivities.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at

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