Featured GoWYLD Resource: Chilton Library

Mar 5, 2018

Winter is on its way out and spring is almost here. For this month’s Library Marketing Campaign, we’re jumping ahead in the calendar. National Car Care Month is technically in April, but this year, we’re getting started early. Take a spin through the Chilton Library and review the other resources we’ve assembled here. These items are intended to assist the the promotional efforts of Wyoming librarians as they reach out to their patrons. We hope you find them useful. Feel free to download and distribute according to your needs.

Libraries should have received their mini-marketing kit this morning. You can also find the kit on our website.

If you would like to be either added to or removed from our monthly email list for the mini-marketing kits, contact Susan Mark at susan.mark@wyo.gov or (307) 777-5915.

Access this month’s marketing kit and promotional resources.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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