Happy 100th Birthday to the Goshen County Library!

Nov 17, 2021

Group photo in front of library bookshelves.

From left to right: Goshen County Library board members Larry Curtis, Dee Ludwig, and Terry Haines; Wyoming State Librarian Jamie Markus; Goshen County Library Director Cristine Braddy; and library board members Ellen Creagar and Larissa Felipe.

Yesterday, Goshen County Library celebrated the 100 years it has served its community. According to a 1969 history of the library found in the State Publications database, the library was established in 1922 by “a small group of a Womans Club” in the junior high wing of Torrington High School.

November 16 events marking the anniversary included StoryWalk ribbon cuttings in Fort Laramie and Yoder, and a proclamation and open house at the main library in Torrington.

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