Wrapping Up Your Library Foundation’s Year

Dec 31, 2015

new-years-day-1114516_1280Library foundations have continued to make great progress this year toward the Wyoming Library Foundation Challenge, with $7.4 million raised locally as of the latest tally. The State of Wyoming has paid out $15.8 million of the $18.35 million appropriated for incentive and matching funds. An amendment to the Challenge in 2015 allowed libraries to form fundraising partnerships that furthered their goals.

Heading into 2016, the CauseVox blog offers four tips for nonprofits, such as library foundations, to wind up their year:

  1. Celebrate your wins — both big and small, the victories added up. Look at what went right.
  2. Identify areas for improvement — what did not go so well? How could things go better in the coming year?
  3. Set new goals — in light of how 2015 went, what are some realistic goals for the new year?
  4. Develop a strategy — how will you reach those goals?

The full article has much more detailed advice on how to accomplish these steps. Read it at www.causevox.com/blog/4-tips-wrap-nonprofits-year-prepare-next-one.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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