Apply to Become a Library Maker Ambassador

Apr 13, 2023

Promotional graphicDo you get excited about maker programming in libraries? Are you an outgoing and enthusiastic person who enjoys learning new things and sharing information with colleagues Are you eager to reach out and network with others who run makerspaces or create maker programs and projects?

Library Makers is about to launch a new website and community engagement platform to host its events and be a ‘one stop shop’ for all things Library Makers. As they transition to this new phase of their community, they’re looking for individuals to help spread the word, contribute content, provide feedback, and encourage new library staff to join as a part of their Inaugural Ambassador program.

The deadline to apply is May 5, 2023. Selections will be made by May 22, 2023 and the Ambassador one-year term will end May 31, 2024.

Members of this Inaugural Ambassador group will receive individual recognition on the community platform for the duration of their term as well as gain professional experience in specific areas of their own choosing (program design and facilitation, marketing, public speaking, etc.). They’ll also receive a special thanks for helping to provide feedback on the Makers in the Library Toolkit in the final publication. In addition, each Inaugural Ambassador will receive a stipend of $1000 for their participation. This stipend can be to the individual or through their library.

How to apply

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