Wyoming Bookmobile Parade!

Apr 7, 2021

National Library Outreach Day (formerly National Bookmobile Day) is today, April 7. The event celebrates library outreach and the dedicated library professionals who are meeting their patrons where they are. Whether it’s a bookmobile stop at the local elementary school, services provided to community homes, or library pop-ups at community gatherings, these services are essential to the community. Each year, National Library Outreach Day is celebrated on the Wednesday of National Library Week.

The Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services is marking the day with a parade! See bookmobiles from libraries everywhere on their Twitter feed and Facebook page.

In the meanwhile, we’d like to share some our favorite Wyoming bookmobile pictures here.

Woman speaking in front of bookmobile that has image of an outdoor scene on its side.

Natrona County Library Director Lisa Scroggins with the library’s newest bookmobile, launched early in 2021.

Laramie County Library System’s bookmobile.

Natrona County Library’s former bookmobile, which has found a new home at the Albany County Public Library. We’ll keep you posted when WCPL launches bookmobile services!

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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