Celebrate Native American Heritage Day

Nov 29, 2024

In honor of Native American Heritage Day today, why not read a book written by an author of Native American heritage?

Finding great book recommendations is easy with GoWYLD’s Gale Books and Authors database. This resource allows you to browse for books by title, author, subject, or keywords, as well as by genre. It also has a wide array of booklists on various topics to help you decide which great book you will read next.

To find a book by an author of Native American heritage, simply access the database on GoWYLD.net, select “author” from the dropdown menu at the top left, and type in “Native American,” and you will find a list of Native American authors to choose from. Click on the author’s name to access a list of their books, as well as a list of similar titles, then either head to your local Wyoming library or access Libby to start reading.

Celebrate Native American Heritage Day by reading a book by a Native American author to gain new knowledge and perspectives, and honor those of Native American Heritage.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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