Common Sense Education Offers Free AI Literacy and Digital Citizenship Lessons and Resources

Jan 18, 2024

Generative AI is on many of our minds as well as in the news.  In response to this new technology, Common Sense Education has created an AI Literacy lesson collection to help those in education navigate this new world of artificial intelligence.

The lessons in Common Sense Education’s collection are geared towards students in grades 6 though 12, but many of them could be easily adapted for students in younger grades.  All of the lessons can be taught in 20 minutes or less and address a variety of AI topics relevant to students.  Chatbots, bias, algorithms, and facial recognition are all examples of the topics addressed.

Along with resources related to AI, Common Sense Education also offers digital citizenship video lessons to help students develop healthy digital habits, practice cyber safety, be mindful of their digital footprint, and think critically about online information.

Common Sense is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families with the information and education they need in the 21st century.  To access free resources for educators and students, visit

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