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Library News

Latest Library News

Collect Rocks Day

September 16 is Collect Rocks Day! Looking for resources to help you identify that shiny stone you found or the know the geological history of the beautiful boulder you saw...

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German Language Day

Kannst du Deutsch sprechen? (Can you speak German?) Even if you can't, if you are an English-speaker, you speak a language that shares many grammatical and syntactic...

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Genealogy Webinar Recording Now Available

A recording of the live webinar, Genealogy Basics for Wyoming Libary Staff, with Elaine Hayes and Oranda Davis has is now available. You can access the recording on the...

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Roald Dahl Day

What's your favorite Roald Dahl book? September 13, Roald Dahl Day, is the perfect opportunity to dust off your well-loved copy or visit your nearest Wyoming library either...

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Happy National Video Game Day

September 12 was National Video Game Day! Whether you enjoy playing the retro games or the latest releases, your local Wyoming library is a great place to find video games...

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Libraries Remember Day

Libraries Remember Day is observed annually on this date in honor of those who lost their lives in the tragic events of September 11, 2001. Libraries play a crucial role in...

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