Converse County Reaches Library Endowment Goal

May 11, 2017

Converse County Library’s main building in Douglas.

Converse County Library is the latest to reach its goal for the Wyoming Library Endowment Challenge, according to the latest update from the WSL Library Development Office. The Challenge is a state-funded program that offers matching funds for locally raised endowment dollars.

Converse is one of 15 Wyoming libraries that have hit 100% of their fundraising goals. Overall, the state’s 23 public library systems are 90.6% of the way, having accessed $17.1 million of the $18.35 million in match and incentive funds available to them. Local funds are matched 1:1, 2:1, or 3:1 based on county assessed valuations at the time the Challenge was established in 2008.

Fundraising partnerships, permitted under a 2015 amendment to the Challenge,helped put Converse County Library over the top. The library raised $101,117 in private funds, matched 2:1 with $202,234 in state funds. An additional $269,617 in matching funds was received in partnership with the Natrona County and Laramie County libraries.

Learn more about the Endowment Challenge and see the latest totals.

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