Craig Johnson Visits Lovell Library

Sep 19, 2024

Craig Johnson chats with Lovell Library patrons.

Craig Johnson, author of the popular Longmire book series paid a visit to the Lovell Library on the evening of September 3.

“We had a full house,” said Cathy Collins, Lovell Library Branch Manager. “He’s a great storyteller and it was a very enjoyable evening for all,” said Cathy.

Lovell Library patrons wait excitedly for their turn to chat with Craig Johnson and have their books signed.

During his visit, the best-selling author discussed the origin of his Longmire stories and characters, his writing process, and his involvement with the popular television series adapted from his books. Patrons were able to get books signed and chat with Mr. Johnson after hearing him speak.

“I was so excited to have him here at our library,” said Cathy. Craig Johnson travels throughout the U.S. on book tours and has visited many other Wyoming libraries, but this was his first visit to the library in Lovell.
The Lovell Library is one of five locations within the Big Horn County Library System. Find out more about each location’s events and programs on their website.


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